The aged parent visa in Australia: Entitlements for successful applicants

Clint Heenan

Parent Visa

Australia, renowned for its high quality of life, stunning landscapes, and world-class healthcare system, is an attractive destination for many. For those with aging parents overseas, the Australian Aged Parent Visa subclass 804, offers a pathway to reunite families.

In this article, we delve into the Aged Parent Visa, discussing who is eligible to apply and what entitlements successful applicants enjoy. We also touch upon the role of immigration services Australia and migration agents Australia in facilitating the application process.

This visa is a part of the family reunion migration stream, which allows elderly parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens to live in Australia. This visa category is designed to enable families to stay together, ensuring that parents can be close to their adult children who are settled in Australia.

Entitlements of Aged Parent Visa holders

Those who successfully obtain the Aged Parent Visa will enjoy several entitlements that can significantly enhance the quality of life for elderly people living in Australia. These entitlements are not only beneficial to the visa holders themselves but also help them integrate into Australian society and access essential services.

  1. Access to healthcare and Medicare: Aged Parent Visa holders are eligible for the Australian healthcare system, including access to Medicare. This means they can receive subsidised medical care, prescription medicines, and access to public hospitals, providing peace of mind and financial relief for medical expenses.
  2. Working rights:  While the primary purpose of the Aged Parent Visa is family reunion and not employment, holders of this visa do have the option to work in Australia if they wish. This flexibility can be beneficial for those who want to supplement their income or engage in part-time work.
  3. Education access: In Australia, access to quality education is a fundamental right. If they have any, visa holders can enrol their dependent children in Australian schools and educational institutions, ensuring access to world-class education.
  4. Access to social services: Aged Parent Visa holders may be eligible for various social services, such as pensions and support programs designed to assist elderly residents. These services can help maintain a comfortable and dignified standard of living.
  5. Family reunion: The most significant benefit of the Aged Parent Visa is the opportunity for family reunions. It allows elderly parents to be close to their adult children and grandchildren, fostering family bonds and providing emotional support in the later years of life.
  6. Permanent residency: After a period of residing in Australia on this visa, applicants may be eligible to apply for permanent residency. This status opens up further entitlements and opportunities for social and economic integration.

Understanding the Aged Parent Visa

However, to apply for the Aged Parent Visa, several criteria must be met, one of which is sponsorship. The Australian citizen, permanent resident, or eligible New Zealand citizen must sponsor their parent’s application and the parent themselves must meet the age requirement, which is typically set at 65 years or older. In some cases, the Contributory Aged Parent Visa, subclass 864 may be available for those aged 60 or older.

One of the key requirements for the Aged Parent Visa is the “Balance of Family Test.” This test assesses the number of children residing in Australia versus those living overseas. To pass this test, at least half of the applicant’s children must be living in Australia.

In addition to these two points, there will be a health and character check like all other Australian visa applicants. Visa candidates must undergo these checks to ensure they don’t pose any risks to public health or safety.

Even when an applicant has met all of these criteria, they may need to wait some time before their visa application can be processed. This is because the particular visa falls under a queue system and wait times can be lengthy.

Cost of the aged parent visa

The payment for this visa is considerable and it’s broken down into two instalments. The first is paid when making the application and the second is paid after the second assessment of your documents.

The base application fee for this visa is approximately $4,990 and there are additional fees for the inclusion of an additional applicant. If this secondary applicant is over 18 then the additional fee is $2,495. If they are under 18, it will cost $1,250. After this, the second instalment for each applicant is $2,065.

Where do I begin with the application? 

Navigating the Australian visa system can be a complex and time-consuming process and this is where immigration services in Australia can help. These professionals are experienced in handling visa applications and can provide invaluable support to both sponsors and applicants for the Aged Parent Visa.

At Heenan and Browne, we know the process of obtaining this type of visa inside out, and we can explain the eligibility criteria to you and help you to meet them. Our migration agents will assist you in document preparation, proofreading and ensuring all applications are filled out completely and accurately. We can also provide guidance on the queue system, including strategies on how to minimise delays and the wait times you can expect.

From submission to visa grant Heenan and Browne immigration services are your trusted partner in Australia. We want to facilitate you by  ensuring your immigration journey is a smooth and efficient one.  Reuniting with aging parents in Australia is a heartfelt endeavor, and understanding the visa process is a critical step towards achieving this goal. Don’t risk missing out on this, partner with us today for a more successful migration experience.



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