Why Using a Registered Migration Agent is More Important Than Ever

Zhanna Heenan

Visa News

Navigating the complexities of Australia’s visa application process can be daunting, especially with the recent changes in immigration policies. Now, more than ever, it is crucial to seek the expertise of a registered migration agent. Here’s why:


Increasing Visa Refusal Rates

Recent data shows a significant rise in student visa refusals. In the first half of Australia’s fiscal year, nearly 1 in 5 study visa applications were refused, a rate higher than in the past three years. If this trend continues, it could result in over 90,000 fewer students entering the country for the 2023/24 academic year. The refusal rates are stark compared to previous years:

– 2018/19: 10% refusal rate

– 2021/22: 8.5% refusal rate

– 2022/23: 14% refusal rate


Stricter Immigration Policies

The Australian government has implemented new policies to ensure that only genuine students are granted visas. These measures include:

– Higher English-language requirements

– A compulsory “Genuine Student” test to confirm the primary intention of studying

– Increased scrutiny on high-risk applications

– Crackdown on fraudulent education providers

– Restrictions on certain temporary visa holders to apply for a student visa within Australia from July 1, 2024.


 Impact on International Students

Students pursuing lower-level credentials are particularly affected. The focus has shifted to students who can contribute valuable skills to the Australian economy, making the application process more stringent. This heightened scrutiny means that even minor errors or lack of proper documentation can lead to refusals.


Why Choose Heenan & Browne Visa and Migration Services?

At Heenan & Browne Visa and Migration Services, we understand the challenges and complexities of the visa application process. Our registered migration agents are experts in the field, equipped with the latest knowledge and experience to guide you through the process successfully. Here’s what we offer:

Personalized Consultation: We assess your eligibility and provide tailored advice to strengthen your application.

Comprehensive Documentation Assistance: Ensuring all necessary documents are accurate and complete to avoid refusals.

Expert Guidance: From understanding the new Genuine Student requirements to how these requirements can be met, we provide step-by-step support.

Proven Track Record: We have a high success rate in securing visas for our clients, even in the face of stringent policies.


Book an Appointment Today

Don’t leave your future to chance. Contact Heenan & Browne Visa and Migration Services to book an appointment with one of our experienced migration agents in Canberra, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Cairns and across Australia. Let us help you navigate the complexities of the visa application process and increase your chances of success. Call us at 0490 324 416 or visit our website to schedule a consultation.

By leveraging the expertise of registered migration agents, you can ensure that your visa application stands the best chance of approval in these challenging times. Don’t hesitate—reach out to us today!



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